0203 - 500 390 info@polypur.de

Klöckner polyPUR Chemie GmbH

About us

Since its foundation in 2000, competence and personal service have been the hallmarks of Klöckner polyPUR Chemie GmbH.

Klöckner polyPUR Chemie GmbH fulfills its core competence, which is to optimally supply you with the chemicals you need. We focus on what you have come to expect from us: Delivering quality to the point to your door.

We place high demands on our partners in logistics and are thus able to respond optimally to the needs of our customers. Regular checks that our standards are met are a matter of course for us.

Of course, we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.




Supplier information

What can we do for you?

Any quantities

We move all quantities – from barrels to IBCs to tankers


Whether origin label or anonymous distribution via our own label – quality is always our highest claim


Whether a single product or entire product groups – we take care of everything


The complete handling, up to the preparation of safety data sheets and their distribution, can be done by us.


11 + 3 =

Klöckner polyPUR Chemie GmbH

Vinckeweg 29, 47119 Duisburg
+49 (0)203 500 390
info @ polypur.de